Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Poem - Best "dress"ed stains!


Is there somebody out there who has got a minute
Can you spare a few seconds for me in it?

I am not here to regale you with a tale of guts and glory.
I know I am nothing but a fleeting character in your life's story.

You need to go?  You don't really have a minute?
No, no..No problem at all, go on.  You have your own problems infinite.

I've got this feeling, you'll always be dreaming.
Take yourself easy, you're always believing. 

You go on while I sit here lost among my own kind.
Thoughts will soon swarm and cover my mind.

Some of us are only babies till we are born; adults the minute we start breathing.
I would love to lock my life away, but I am afraid there is nothing worth stealing.

I have everything that someone else does not,
But greediness for what I lack drives my heart to rot.

I'm only human, I am full of mistakes.
Is it my fault that I am looking out of my window for a better place?

You tell me I am wrong to look for the greener pasture on the other side,
But where I am, there is no grass, not even a small fig leaf for my shame to hide.

I have wrestled with this life till I have broken down and cried.
Don't celebrate my war cause it will only make you feel jaded.

Bent, broken and a grovelling servant to the corporate beast,
Heart still beating, legs still pumping, moving forward with my eyes on the end line feast.

No... "It is false what you say", I am told; "With me you will beautifully grow old".
So I ask her to stand herself by me and together we fall free....

It seems to get better as we fall; Our closed eyes see the true value of "nothing"s.
Together we go on as the king and queen of imagining things!

I had nothing before, so there was nothing to lose.
I have nothing and you now, so with life I now call a truce.

So here I am dear stranger, to welcome you to the storm.
The lifelong struggle to match you neighbor is now life's new norm.

When the drinks and drugs start to fade away,
Understanding sets in, the fight for survival is the only way.

Fight alone, or find someone to trudge along with you for the long haul.
Struggle hand in hand until death's last call!!

Oh, what I wouldn't give to go back to the start!
Where the most painful thing was a skinned knee, not a broken spirit and crushed heart!!

My innocence has been slain, the heart now for her only is still beating.
So together upward we float, from our downward fall, like helium, we have no ceiling!!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

January Weight loss update!! - 104 kilos!

Happy New Year Everybody!!!!

January has been quite a difficult month for me.  Personally I had a lot of issues that I needed to handle and professionally there were a whole lot of other problems at work.  Now, I am a person who has a major guilt and comfort eating problem.  So my cheat days escalated from One meal on a cheat day to 3 or 4 cheat meals through the week.  I ended up drinking beer more than my usual quota of 2 per month.  After 2 weeks of doing this, I now have gotten back in control.  But because of this the weight loss this month was not as great as it was in the past 2 months.  I am now at 104 kilos and my I fit into size 38 pants!! Woo Hoo!!!.  Hopefully by the end of March, with a lot more determination and much less guilt binging, I am hoping to leave the 100 Kilo club and get down into the 90 Kilo range.

Thanks to the people who read my last blog post and encouraged me to go on.  I was asked to post my exercise and diet plan, and since I am seeing a lot of good results with my current plan, I am posting the same.  I have been reading a lot about this, and have also consulted with both the trainers at my gym and other friends and have now setup a diet and exercise plan which I feel benefits me quite well.

I will first post photos of me currently and I hope people can see some difference from where I was last month.

Workout schedule:

As part of my workout schedule, I have increased the amount of cardio I do and have also added on a lot of weight training.  My cardio follows the HIIT method and I feel that this yields much better results than the normal methods.

For example on the tread mill instead of constantly running at a certain speed and then topping of at your maximum speed, I start with a 30 second sprint of what ever is the top speed I can manage.  In the beginning it was 10 KM/hr, and I can now get up to 13KM/hr.  I then take a break (meaning I walk at around 5 to 6 KM/Hr speed) for 1 - 4 minutes and then sprint again, but this time for around 45 secs, take a break and then sprint again for 1 minute and finally sprint until I am exhausted and can't run at all.  I do the same for the other cardio machines as well.  I came up with this since I feel this best suited me and I could see better results with this schedule.  I had a lot of assistance and solid scientific information handed down to me by my friend Deepak, who has had an amazing body transformation and is now into the whole body building scenario full time.

I also made sure that on any cardio machine, I set the resistance quite high.  The reason I do this is to simulate natural conditions.  For example within the gym you are never going to face wind resistance, so on the treadmill you can set the incline to somewhere between 2 to 4.  On alternate days, I sometimes simulate jogging up a mountain track by setting the incline at around 12, where the max incline is 15.

As far as weight training goes, I am currently following only the bulking mode and not cutting as of now.  So I keep increasing my weights every week.  I make the weight I use for the second set this week as the first set for the next week.  This helps me increase the amounts of weights over a period of time.  Muscle building is as necessary as cardio to increase fat burning.  Muscles burn fat and calories when at rest, which is very important.  Below is the photo of my training sheet:

 As per my current reading, I have come to realize that you don't have to work all 6 days, but have to make sure that you work real hard for all the days you go.  Even if you cannot make it to the gym 6 days a week, try to make it to the gym for at least 2 days, but make sure you do a full body workout on those days.  I am currently working out a few more details for what I am calling my "Busy common man" workout.  I will post details about that soon.


This is currently the diet I am following, and I can honestly tell you that I do cheat a lot on this.  I am trying my best not to, but it is so difficult to do this... So hard!!!

As soon as I wake up I have the time tried and tested Lime warm water and Honey.

Breakfast (within 2 hours of waking up) - I change the breakfast schedule every alternate day - 4 egg whites and a large glass of skimmed milk (no sugar) / 4 idlis and black coffee with sugar.

Pre lunch snack - high fiber diet biscuits with small glass of skimmed milk/black coffee

Lunch - I change my lunch schedule every alternate day. 5 chappatis with water, no side dish one day and a small bowl of rice with boiled veggies and dhal curry on the next day. (Grilled chicken whenever I can get my hands on it and the time to eat)

Pre workout snack (3 hours min before workout) - 3 egg whites/Boiled chicken breast with pepper and salt and 1 hour before I hit the gym a large glass of skimmed milk, no sugar. 

Post workout snack - I try to have some low sugar high caffeine energy drink.  I am planning on a post workout protein shake and am looking at some brands.

Dinner - One egg with the yolk, salad if possible or else 4 chappatis with no raw onions and pickles.  Large glass of warm water boiled with Jeera to assist bowel moment in the morning.

Sunday is my cheat day, and I try to make sure that It does not become a cheat day, but I have a cheat meal - Lunch.  I have also just started calorie counting, so mostly by the time of my next post, I will be adding more scientific details and will be a bit more professional in my way of writing or expressing my ideas, but will still stick to my aim of making weight loss and body building steps and procedures easy for everyone.

I have not started using any fat burner or protein shakes as of now and hopefully I stay strong and loose weight and build muscle naturally.

Any suggestions or corrections to my workout and my diet are more than welcome. If any one needs any more information please comment here and I will provide whatever info I have.

Here is to working hard, sticking to the diet, resisting temptation and a better, healthier body!! Work on!!!