On Friday, Tamil Nadu came closer to West Bengal in spirit than geography will ever allow. There too, the formidable ruling party was defeated by a female arch rival. The only difference was that few saw it coming. The sad part was that all the poll pundits had DMK listed in for a 50% winning chance, but also gave them this winning chance in the name of the freebies they offered. Amma owes a big thank you to this man. He truly made it all possible for her by laying down some simple yet amazing rules, that took the ruling party by storm. having been a part of the random car checks for money to be given to the electorate to buy votes, I felt proud that democracy was for once working in a state predominantly ruled by Quarters and Chicken biriyani's and an endless list of freebies. What amazed me even more this time was the fact that the smart electorate swallowed the freebies but showed that corruption(and including your entire family in it, as if it were a summer vacation plan) was indeed an issue.
While we are on the topic of thanking people, Amma should take time to visit this dude in jail and also erect and garland a statue in a massive state function for him as well as this Fruit language speaking lady . She should also mention them in her vote of thanks when she takes up office during the swearing in ceremony. Without them I am sure her inevitable victory would not have been this large. the tsunami like victory wave that she is riding on now was created by these two "tectonic" plates. Take a bow I say. The literary Heir will surely drive the old man "hair"less.
Having said all this in praise for the current rule, I am still a man overshadowed by doubt and worry. Worry as to whether the same scenes of inter - party - personal revenge and ceasing of the last party's plans will leave TN a contorted concrete mess, and doubt as to whether Amma can rise above all this and give TN a new shining image after the 2g scam, that has made us the laughing stock of the "Common men" of other states and the cause of envy and jealousy of other politicians. Above all this what saddens me is the fact that Kalaignar lost so badly, the fact that DMK got an overall lower vote count that DMDK. After all is said and done regarding this family oriented politics, the man was still a political guru. His loyalites at least gave him the pleasure of walking out with a majority of over 50,000 votes from Tiruvarur. The last few months have tested Mr Karunanidhi politically and personally. His daughter, Kanimzohi, who is an MP and is reported to be his favorite child, could go to jail for allegedly accepting a bribe in the 2G spectrum scam. The man accused of masterminding that scam -A Raja - is a senior Dalit leader of the party and is in jail.
Mr Karunanidhi has been Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu five times. He has also never lost an election personally since 1957, when he entered electoral politics. This legislative term could well be the swan song for the ageing patriarch of DMK considering his old age. One cannot help but to stand up and give this man a thunderous round of applause for the grit he has shown in campaigning from a wheelchair and profanely lying through his nose at this old age regarding his already broken, splintered and highly corrupt family. When with a withering smile on his face he says "People have given me a rest!", you can only hope that the iron lady does not tear and throw away that letter that Anandhi wrote to "Anbulla Kalaignar Thatha" !
I know I have deviated from my usual carefree way of lethargically writing stuff that usually makes no sense and just fills in space and have touched a more serious note here. So to end it all, i am going to answer 2 very important questions that the public have right now. The first regarding Vadivelu and Vijayakanth, what has happened to Vadivel and what will Vijayakanth do with Amma taking the reins all to herself ? This is answered by this simple phone conversation transcript that I have procured from my undisclosed source at the "Nira_Radia, we shall over tape" conversation erasers anonymous foundation. please to read the following, for the Tamil "deferentially" able, please to contact someone who knows Tamil because translating this just won't do.
ஜெ - விஜயகாந்த் அடுத்து ஐந்து வருஷம் கழிச்சி மீட் பண்ணுவோம்.
வி.கா - அது வரை நான் என்ன பண்ண
ஜெ - அதான் ஒரு கைப்புள்ள சிக்கியிருக்கே. ரூம் போட்டு அடிங்க.
வடிவேலு - ????????????
The second question on everyone's mind is, what is SoniaJI doing inviting Amma to a tea party? Again, I, as always have the answers. Please to view the image below.
P.S. Like I have said before and I say today and I will say for ever, DMK would still be in power had they hired the great Makal singam (People's Lion), Maanam ulla Tamilan(Dignified Tamilan) Ondi Pulli (Solo Tiger) Engal anbu annan (Our dear elder brother) TR .. A piece of advice to any DMK cadre reading this, forget the other allies, contact LDMK for assured victory.
P.P.S. Anyone who has any updates on Vadivel's condition please to contact me. Sound of in the comments section below. The last update as far as I have, is this picture(Something I tried to compile in office using MSpaint) :
P.P.P.S... Dear Amma, my sister is in 12th, so is she eligible for the Laptop scheme and can you please make it a Macbook air. Nothing too costly!!
"Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right."
~H.L. Mencken~
While we are on the topic of thanking people, Amma should take time to visit this dude in jail and also erect and garland a statue in a massive state function for him as well as this Fruit language speaking lady . She should also mention them in her vote of thanks when she takes up office during the swearing in ceremony. Without them I am sure her inevitable victory would not have been this large. the tsunami like victory wave that she is riding on now was created by these two "tectonic" plates. Take a bow I say. The literary Heir will surely drive the old man "hair"less.
Having said all this in praise for the current rule, I am still a man overshadowed by doubt and worry. Worry as to whether the same scenes of inter - party - personal revenge and ceasing of the last party's plans will leave TN a contorted concrete mess, and doubt as to whether Amma can rise above all this and give TN a new shining image after the 2g scam, that has made us the laughing stock of the "Common men" of other states and the cause of envy and jealousy of other politicians. Above all this what saddens me is the fact that Kalaignar lost so badly, the fact that DMK got an overall lower vote count that DMDK. After all is said and done regarding this family oriented politics, the man was still a political guru. His loyalites at least gave him the pleasure of walking out with a majority of over 50,000 votes from Tiruvarur. The last few months have tested Mr Karunanidhi politically and personally. His daughter, Kanimzohi, who is an MP and is reported to be his favorite child, could go to jail for allegedly accepting a bribe in the 2G spectrum scam. The man accused of masterminding that scam -A Raja - is a senior Dalit leader of the party and is in jail.
Mr Karunanidhi has been Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu five times. He has also never lost an election personally since 1957, when he entered electoral politics. This legislative term could well be the swan song for the ageing patriarch of DMK considering his old age. One cannot help but to stand up and give this man a thunderous round of applause for the grit he has shown in campaigning from a wheelchair and profanely lying through his nose at this old age regarding his already broken, splintered and highly corrupt family. When with a withering smile on his face he says "People have given me a rest!", you can only hope that the iron lady does not tear and throw away that letter that Anandhi wrote to "Anbulla Kalaignar Thatha" !
I know I have deviated from my usual carefree way of lethargically writing stuff that usually makes no sense and just fills in space and have touched a more serious note here. So to end it all, i am going to answer 2 very important questions that the public have right now. The first regarding Vadivelu and Vijayakanth, what has happened to Vadivel and what will Vijayakanth do with Amma taking the reins all to herself ? This is answered by this simple phone conversation transcript that I have procured from my undisclosed source at the "Nira_Radia, we shall over tape" conversation erasers anonymous foundation. please to read the following, for the Tamil "deferentially" able, please to contact someone who knows Tamil because translating this just won't do.
ஜெ - விஜயகாந்த் அடுத்து ஐந்து வருஷம் கழிச்சி மீட் பண்ணுவோம்.
வி.கா - அது வரை நான் என்ன பண்ண
ஜெ - அதான் ஒரு கைப்புள்ள சிக்கியிருக்கே. ரூம் போட்டு அடிங்க.
வடிவேலு - ????????????
The second question on everyone's mind is, what is SoniaJI doing inviting Amma to a tea party? Again, I, as always have the answers. Please to view the image below.
P.S. Like I have said before and I say today and I will say for ever, DMK would still be in power had they hired the great Makal singam (People's Lion), Maanam ulla Tamilan(Dignified Tamilan) Ondi Pulli (Solo Tiger) Engal anbu annan (Our dear elder brother) TR .. A piece of advice to any DMK cadre reading this, forget the other allies, contact LDMK for assured victory.
P.P.S. Anyone who has any updates on Vadivel's condition please to contact me. Sound of in the comments section below. The last update as far as I have, is this picture(Something I tried to compile in office using MSpaint) :
P.P.P.S... Dear Amma, my sister is in 12th, so is she eligible for the Laptop scheme and can you please make it a Macbook air. Nothing too costly!!
"Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right."
~H.L. Mencken~