Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The shorter it is, the sweeter it is.!

This is the first of my many blog posts to come, recommending a websites that I have found interesting and which you may too.

First in this list is a website to which at one point of time I was a regular contributor - Espresso Stories .  I stumbled across this website when a friend and I wanted to find a page which had a collection of short stories which we could read to while away some time at work, not like we had a lot of free time, thus the search for a short story website ;) .... and boy oh boy with this website we had hit the jackpot.  Here the stories aren't just short, they're just a sentence or two, totaling 25 words or less. Less hard-and-fast - but, equally vital are a theme, plot, characters, and narrative development. Everything you'd see in any good story - but short enough to fit into the time it takes to reach the bottom of that bitter little cup, as you ponder on how even the briefest experiences can make life more meaningful.

It explores a literary form for today's frothed-up, on-the-hoof, want-it-all-now consumer lifestyle: complete stories that take no longer to read than an espresso takes to slurp.  It's inspired by Augusto Monterroso's famous story, 'The Dinosaur'

Below are a list of stories that i had once published on this website.  You can also read them directly at the website here.  Please to go through them and let me know what ya think in the comments.

What would be more fantastic is if i inspired a few of you folks to contribute to this beautiful method of story telling.  If you do, please sound off in the comments so that we can all read your tiny work of art and enjoy!!!

'The "Mac" Shall Inherit the earth.....' 
by Arvind Vimal David

A million bitten apples lit up simultaneously all over the planet....
"Another planet touched!" smirked the Bespectacled Black turtleneck wearing Android.

'The "Mac" Shall Inherit the earth.....II' 
by Arvind Vimal David

More RAM, a New Graphic card, in retrospective, a huge mistake. As we watched the Macs take over the     world...

by Arvind Vimal David

The drug was never the addiction.
  It was just a replacement for his addiction to her.

'Master of the Obvious.....' 
by Arvind Vimal David

No Make up, No heavy Paint, No red shiny nose, I didn't need all that to realize that my boss was a   clown.

'Lux Æterna....' 
by Arvind Vimal David

The Muted light lit his face, a cold wind ruffled his hair."Love you to bits" he thought, as he arranged her    pieces once again.

by Arvind Vimal David

"Die Disembodied hand" shouted Ted and chopped the mysterious hand in his fridge

Meanwhile,Sara screamed as she removed her bloody stump from her fridge. 

Hope you enjoyed those little stories, a few more which were written by my good friend Amta a.k.a. Ashwin Raj....

'Oh no, she didn't.....' 
by Ashwin Calvin

“She won’t do it”, he thought.
     “She wouldn’t dare. No, of course she wouldn’t. It isn’t logical after all”. He calmed down.

      She did it.

'That Sinking feeling...' 
by Ashwin Calvin

The worst things in life isn't getting fired or breaking up.

       Its the anticipation which precedes it.

      You disintegrate. One sorry bit at a time.

'But I like it....' 
by Ashwin Calvin

Mick can’t get no satisfaction.

        His wife refuses to give him 40 licks.

        He starts rolling and gets stoned instead.

(For those who don't get the above story, here's a clue: Rolling Stones)

'Thought Provoker' 
by Ashwin Calvin

Change your thoughts, and your emotions will change.

        “I don't miss her!!” he thought.

        "ARRRGGHHHH!! "

        Score: Thoughts=0 Emotions=13

by Ashwin Calvin

He smiled to himself as he heard the hurriedly retreating footsteps of his nosy boss. She had obviously    seen his desktop image.

Well thats all fro now folks, waiting to hear your comments!! Have a good day!!!

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