Wednesday 20 April 2011

Who is supporting Who now?

Having spent quite a part of my "career" being "technically" supported, and "tech"SQLly supporting I can say with full confidence that by no means is tech support immune to exhibiting computer stupidity of their own. 

This website suggested by my good friend Santosh Banarjee consists of stories from the other side of the phone. Gentlemen and Gentle-womens of the tech savy world - Tech support dumbness presented to you for your perusal.

The one that i liked the best and a thing I have faced with Sony Ericsson mobile phone customer care personally...Getting things done the tech support way...

  • Customer: "My laptop won't boot."
  • Tech Support: "Have you tried rebooting?"
  • Customer: "I can't reboot, because it doesn't boot in the first place."
  • Tech Support: "Sir, we have to do things my way, okay?"
Sound off in the comments regarding any personal experiences....

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